You’ve chosen to advertise your business on Australia’s largest network of Indians in Australia.

You have selected ‘Three Posts’ Package. We’ve received your request already.


Send us an email with the details of your posts. What we need in the email:

  1. Your name and contact details
  2. Preferred date of Publishing your three posts. Date 1, Date 2 and Date 3
  3. Details of each post: Post 1, Post 2 and Post 3 (Text, Image, video link).

Email to:

(If you have any questions, we’re here to answer. Feel free to send an enquiry to above email)

Useful notes/ Tips:

  1. Give a gap of two to three days between each post. Select your preferred publish date wisely.
  2. This Facebook post will be published on ‘Indians in Australia’ Facebook Page.
  3. The post will appear in Followers’ (7,600+ users) news feed.
  4. Some of the best posts are usually short and simple as most of the users do not read very long text.
  5. Adding an image is a great way to attract more users towards your post.
  6. Try to connect with the audience with your post. Rather than just selling, tell users how your product or service can help them.
  7. If you want to add video, send us a link of the video. We can either share the link directly with a caption or upload it to the page (let us know your preference).